TPL in private life insurance

Be safe in your private

Do you know how it feels when you live as you used to and don't need to worry if something accidently goes wrong in the case of you or your family member? For example, in the shop your little kid was running and accidentally broke the most expensive vase, or when you were visiting family or friends by weekend and in your apartment washing machine broke and unexpectedly flooded neighbors. These are the classic ones but there are many more situations because our life is so colorful and different from each of us in our own beautiful ways.

So, to avoid stress and long conversations why it happened with other persons who are involved in these not so cool events, you can breathe and feel peaceful if you have your Civil Liability insurance. We cover those situations and risks so that you don't have to worry!

What does it mean -
Civil liability insurance?

Here's the shortcut!
Civil liability covers you and your family members in case you will accidentally do something to third parties - other people or property. If your family member gets into trouble - this also fits in coverage.
One policy covers up to six persons in one family. This really is a life saver for you!

8 reasons


it's worth it

Our insurance covers liability for damages caused as a result of daily actions
The insurance coverage is valid while engaging in sports, unless these are extreme sports of professional sports competitions and trainings
Insurance covers liability for damages caused while managing house or apartment and using movable property therein
Insurance covers liability for damage done by pets (regardless their breed)
Insurance covers damages done while using drone
The insurance covers liability for damages done to a rented passenger vehicle
The insurance coverage is valid for damage done to a mobile phone or PC belonging to employer
Insurance covers damages done by other persons performing services in house or apartment upon Your request (housekeeper, babysitter, gardener, landscaping)